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Unexplained water usage overnight ...

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Hello Everyone. I'm back! It's been a year since my original post and I still haven't managed to resolve the mysterious water usage in my home. It's driving me nuts as I just can't figure out what's going on and Thames Water aren't interested. I've attached some screenshots from over the Christmas period. I was away from Christmas Eve until the afternoon of the 27th December so there should have been no water consumption at all from 5pm on 24/12/22 until 5pm on 27/12/22. You'll see that there is a tiny amount being recorded during the afternoon/evening and I accept that I may have a small leak somewhere BUT there is a consistently large amount being used every night from 1am - 8am when I wasn't at home. The profile leads me to think that there must be something on a timer somewhere as the amount of water being "used" increases over a few hours and then tails off but I don't have anything in my home that would account for this. I was wondering if it might be a legacy issue from when the builders replaced the old back-boiler with a new Worcester Bosch combi-boiler some 10+ years ago but surely that would have all been capped off / disabled at the time. Anyone got any ideas as currently I'm "consuming" more water overnight than I actually "use" during the day. I really don't want to have to get an engineer out to investigate and to have all my lovely oak flooring ripped up in the process. Thanks for reading ... :)


  • Water Usage - Xmas 2022.pdf
    80 KB · Views: 22
What type of property do you have? We did a job once where a terrace house couldn't isolate their water supply from the meter tap in the road and it eventually worked out that even though they had a new separate supply for their house, mid terrace, there was an old feed under the floor from a shared supply that essentially looped into the property underthe floor(it should.of been disconnected). It could also be complete coincidence but a toilet flush is approximately 4.5 ltrs to 6ltrs and the amounts being used correspond to a number of flushes.
Along similar lines to @IND_Nick, one possibility that occurred to me was that there is a redundant connection, which should have been disconnected but was overlooked, from the property to another main. I've not come across myself but have heard 'war stories' told by others so it's an unlikely scenario but it could explain the rather strange pattern of behaviour.

If this were the case, the OPs water meter might be expected to under-read water consumption during the day so it might be interesting review the data from the water meter to see if it matches the actual consumption during the day.
I reckon the cat has learned to flush the loo and is absolutely loving setting his owner this conundrum.
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Thanks @ShaunCorbs ... I've had the toilet checked by a plumber recently when I had some new radiators installed and there was no leak - also bought the dye tablets that you put in your cistern to check for any leaks overnight but there was nothing. I remain convinced that it's not a leak as I was away for 3 days with zero water usage being recorded at all during the day - just the same scenario that I've now had for 3 years where water is being "consumed between midnight and 8am. I'm baffled. Thanks for your advice as I'm sure the answer is out there somewhere. :)

Hi Sandra did you ever get this resolved? We have a similar issue

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