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Humming/vibrating pipes when no water is being used

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Just wondering if anyone could help me please.

I am getting loud vibrating/humming noises in the house when I’m not using any water. It seems to be coming from the cold feed and it’s vibrating through the house and you can hear it vibrating the boiler. I felt the pipe where the stop tap is and it’s vibrating when the noise happens. I’ve had 4 plumbers over none of which could work out the problem.

I’ve spoken to United utilities who have told me that I’m on a water feed that’s connected to the neighbour I’m attached to and my neighbour the other side that I’m not attached to.

this sound has recently got worse it’s like a foghorn through the house and it’s getting more frequent, going from once every now and then to now several times a day. I spoke to the neighbour I wasn’t attached to and they have said they are experiencing the same thing, again when they arn’t using the water. I have spoken to the neighbour I am attached to and they said they have no problems and they can’t hear anything. They apparently can’t hear the vibrations through the wall either which I find hard to believe as it’s so loud.

does anyone have any suggestions to what could be making this noise and how I can stop it?

thank you.
I have attended a very similar situation that came down to a float valve in the neighbourhood property. We isolated each house individually at the internal stopcock. Then dropped the water pressure to see if it stopped. The third house we tried stopped the noise once pressure had gone. Then checked everything in the house and found a failed toilet inlet valve.
Hope this helps.
Same as the guys above, usually find it’s a faulty ball valve - however have also found a loose jumper in a tap can cause this too and a stop tap where all the internal parts had come to pieces. Usually exacerbated, but not caused by, loose pipework.
Thanks so much.
I think your right it’s next door. The problem I’m having is they are saying the can’t hear anything (even though I can hear the noise through the wall) and they have no problems with their water. Not sure how I can get it fixed. :(

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