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How many days do you typically go onsite as an NVQ level 2 Plumber?

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I just wanted to know this before potentially starting an NVQ level 2 in Plumbing and Heating next year or so because I might find it difficult to fit the NVQ in with my non-construction-related full-time job.
Also depends what arrangement you have with your work based recorder. If you are good (and you wouldn't benefit from a bit of experience working with him/her generally?) and he's getting paid handsomely for you being there, then you might get away with just doing the installations and the maintenance tasks required for your portfolio.

Fastest scenario is he has a number of sites all available for you to work on and you can fit a basin, bath and radiator in each of them, plus carry out a number of small repairs. I have a feeling you can't be seen to carry out more than one installation on each site.

Realistically, if you are working for someone (even if just for NVQ portfolio purposes), he or she is unlikely to want you doing the bare minimum for your portfolio at one site and then clearing off. And there is always the risk of a WBR deciding he doesn't like something you've done (feels it's not to industry standards) and refusing to sign something off.

Technically, you don't absolutely have to prove your NVQ experience via a WBR and in exceptional circumstances there are other ways of showing site experience for the NVQ,, but I wouldn't make an alternative route a part of the plan. A bit confused as to how you plan to do a college course that usually takes a day a week for two years while in a full-time job, but if you say you can, then I assume you can, and, in fairness, I myself cut a lot of my course short by doing a lot of the self study at home so as to get ahead with what was going on in the classroom.

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