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Dripping sound kitchen sink

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Hi, we have a long drain run in the kitchen . We had some plumbing work done to the drain pipe as it had dropped and wasn’t draining very well and now it has been realigned if we drain water down the sink (1.5 bowl) or have used the dishwasher or washing machine the sink makes a dripping sound intermittently that can last for up to half an hour or longer. I removed the p trap when it was making the sound and the half bowl sink had a slow drip but I’m not sure if the sound is always water or air. It’s just odd that we never had this issue before the pipe was fixed and we’ve lived here for 7years. The noise is quite loud and very annoying. Any ideas?
You say 'dripping' but could it be 'clicking' or 'creaking'? If so, you might be hearing slip-stick movement of the pipe at point(s) where it rubs against a surface or passes through a clamp.

Is it more of a problem when the water you drain is hot rather than cold?
Hello, thanks for the replies. It does it with hot water, e.g after appliance waste water has drained and typically the sound continues for up to half an hour or more. It may also randomly start if you drain cold water down the sink, even just an inch of water from a glass.

Sink the long pipes have been realigned recently the sink’s also been gurgling like crazy when the dishwasher and washing machine are draining but I guess that’s because of the long run in the kitchen and then through the clay main drain pipe that runs from the kitchen to the front of the house (pipes under suspended floor).

Re the gurgling, would an air admittance valve help under the sink. The drain pipes are inaccessible and short of ripping the kitchen up we’re limited as to what can be done. Thanks in advance.

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