
  1. P

    Does anyone know about weekend plumbing courses in london?

    Does anyone know about weekend plumbing courses in london? I would like to become a plumber and I'm looking for weekend course in West London
  2. M

    A few pictures from the weekend.

    Plenty of doggy action this weekend. CQ9R3392 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr CQ9R3390 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr CQ9R3378 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr CQ9R3364 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr CQ9R3245 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr
  3. B

    Any bikers out there get to The Dragon this weekend?

    I went, brilliant time as usual, poured with rain all weekend but thats The Dragon for you. Great band on called The Score.
  4. N


    well the missus has gone to a concert, I'm home alone, that can only tell me it is now officially beer o'clock. 2 becks in. Hope you all have a good saturday night
  5. A

    Which Multimeter for a heating engineer?

    Need to get a multimeter for when I'm doing any wiring on heating systems. Who here does their own wiring and what multimeter do you use? Looking for something that will do everything I need it to but that is simple to use. Thanks
  6. A

    Who works weekends?

    Hi guys after a productive and very tiring 2012, I want to make more progress in 2013. I am going to get some business cards and leaflets printed this week and start getting them out where I live in Kent. As I live in Southampton Mon-Fri I will be putting myself out there as available day and...
  7. Z

    Great start to the weekend

    Noticed last night hammer marks in the back door from an attempted break in. Called the police who attended this morning. Then the dog completely out of character decides to attempt to bite the policeman!!!!! Luckily she only nipped him still caused a graze! Never been so embarrassed.
  8. P

    The Weekend is here.....

    Well Folk's at 17:00 the weekend is officially here, I like to start the weekend by listening to Simon Mayo BBC R2 when he plays "the Muppets" theme tune and this is how I mark the start of my weekend. Which Brings me to my point, HOW do you start your weekend?? Have a great weekend folk's...
  9. S

    gas safe card

    hi i am gas safe with the company i work for but also want to do my own private work on the side. i hear from another engineer it is possible to get a gas safe number/card for work on the weekends/ evenings at a reduced anual cost, is this correct? anybody got any links to this?
  10. P

    Weekend off from Forum

    Thank god its Friday !! This weekend I am promising myself I will take 2 days off from browsing the forum. Its become strangely addictive and highly amusing at the same time. When i get in tonight im going to light the the log burner, pour myself a nice large room temp merlot, check the wife's...
  11. S

    its the weekend

    all right guys its the weekend, what yous up to i am starting my own bathroom Grrr or the joys No weekend off for me :icon9:
  12. R

    Bad weekend

    Feel the need to vent so here goes. Friday I had a lovely job, earnt 420 quid, got paid cash, sun was out, all was well with the world. Making my way home to spend the weekend with the family and thinking of the fun we could have with cash on the hip. Then about a mile from home I change gear...
  13. M

    What I did last weekend.

    I spent the weekend at an agility show. I was competing and also one of the official photographers. Bertie and I placed in 3 of our runs with a 4th in the team trio, a 6th in the grade 1 medium agility and an 8th in the medium combined grades 1-4 jumping. I also took over 200 pictures which...
  14. A

    uk plumbers forum weekend away.

    Just thinking outside my small box here, but i think it would be a great thing to organise a weekend away for all/some forum members, at home or abroad, beers etc..ect.. Would be good to meet people face to face, get away from our industry/ or even talk about our industry. And surely it would...
  15. B

    away for the weekend

    going up to Wolverhampton Saturday/Sunday so anyone dropping me a pm might not get a reply until Monday evening :teeth_smile:
  16. M

    1st bank holiday weekend off in years and......

    I get manflu and conjunctivitis....birmingham is wicked this time of year with gay pride and massive club nights.....and i cant go to any of them....cheers. #downinthedumps Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  17. G

    Rubbish start to the weekend

    Just leaving the house to go over to pick up some flue bits, from another forum user on here, and discovered that some arzehole has pranged my van. Done a real job on it. Front offside all banged in, bumper hanger off (whats left of it) Didnt hear anything in the night. Sods law, only time I...
  18. M

    A few pictures from the weekend.

    As the weather was so nice this weekend I had the camera with me every time I went out. Here's a few of the results. CQ9R8708 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr CQ9R8740 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr CQ9R8729 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr CQ9R8580 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr CQ9R8510 by Mike...
  19. D

    Top weekend

    Daughter came to stay this weekend, been one of the best days of my life,,went to primark...minta !!!!
  20. B

    what a weekend

    went to a st pats , meeting this weekend. and besides getting blathered every night. friday dropped bandit jackpot £75 saturday won bingo (yes bingo) £133 sunday won two of the top 5 prizes in the raffle. shame my numbers didnt come in on the lottery lol what you lot been upto out nice
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