
  1. back2thefuture1

    Boiler condensate pipe fitted behind plasterboard

    Hi everyone I hope you can help. We were getting some work done and our builder attached the boiler condensate pipe to the sink waste pipe. This was all then covered with dot and dab. Shown in the picture, red arrow. So the only thing visible now is a round pipe from the wall. We are yet to fit...
  2. S

    Plasterboard and screws or plugs for blinds

    Hi guys I am putting some blinds up. Which screws/all plugs are best for plasterboard window frames ?? I've got stud detector, drills etc as other people have told me before to get a handyman on here.
  3. M

    Shower panelling on to plasterboard

    Can you stick shower panelling straight on to plasterboard if I prime say with sbr bond
  4. S

    Plasterboard frames for blind. What screws?

    I hope someone can help I'm trying to put some verticle blinds up in my new build flat. I feel the wall is plasterboard above where i need to attach the blinds rail. (Inside the frame) What screws would I need to attach this ? Below ifsa pic of one of the windoes
  5. A

    Advice on insulated plasterboard around pipes

    I'm currently refurbishing a room and in the process adding some internal wall insulation. The wall has been stripped and my plumber is coming this week to install/reconfigure the pipework for new radiators. The walls are solid brick and as I am installing insulated plasterboards, we agreed...
  6. J

    Bathroom: Our installer used standard plasterboard - is that ok?

    Hello all, Our bathroom fitters have finished the first fix. However, when the tiler came round, he pointed out these issues: Standard plasterboard has been used throughout (including the future shower area), rather than using the waterproof variety of plasterboard or to use tiling board. The...
  7. D

    Hep20 15mm exit from behind plasterboard advice

    Hi All Im using Hep2o 15mm for the first time. I would like to exit behind the radiator at the midpoint. Whats the best exit back box fitting to use? Single gang metal electrical back box is too small. The Hep back box appears only for 10mm pipe. Open to suggestions. I want to fit the radiator...
  8. D

    Plasterboard tape required prior to tiling?

    Hi All. Do I need to apply plasterboard tape prior to tiling in my bathroom and shower enclosure or can I fill the joints with adhesive or gap filler instead? Any advice much appreciated. Thanks.
  9. J

    Re-tiling (old tiles on plasterboard)

    Hi all, I'm planning a bathroom refurb for my customer. He has stud walls, which already have tiles on the plasterboard. New tiles are planned. I'm just pondering the best way forwards: 1. Do I remove the tiles (and the plasterboard with it) and put up new boarding (I like using 12mm cement...
  10. P

    Vertical radiator on single stud?

    Hi, I have an internal, decorated plasterboard wall with poor studding: from left to right, there is a 22mm wide (i.e., horizontally parallel to the wall) stud, then a 38mm stud (the two studs are spaced 60cm), then the jack stud of the door. I need to hang a ~2500 BTUs radiator (I have gas...
  11. P

    Plasterboard in bathroom?

    Hi there, I'm having a bathroom remodel. It would be appreciated to get some expert advice. Plumber ripped out existing bathroom and most of the metro tiles. He couldn't get the tiles off the main wall, adjoining the bedroom. He said they were affixed too strongly and removing them would damage...
  12. J

    Copper Pipe in corner

    The existing copper pipe ran in the corner of two walls. It was proud of the brick wall. The old plaster has been removed and the pipe has been covered in felt lagging and gaffer tape. The plumber said the gaffer tape would stop any chance of the pipe touching the wall or plasterboard adhesive...
  13. D

    Is lack of tanking plasterboard enough to force redo of job?

    Hi all - apologies in advance for the essay. Posted a week or two ago about a botched shower job and had some really helpful replies (tray installed too far back so enclosure is too big for tray and overhangs it; plasterboard also sitting on top of tray rather than tray being butted to boards...
  14. 3

    Roca built in cistern problem

    Hi ive been called to look at a job today where there has been previous plumbers who have first fixed and totally balls stuff up. Basically they have fitted a roca built in cistern and the square polystyrene push button part has been plasterboarded over and tiled over . This tells me that the...
  15. E

    flue liner in plasterboard boxing

    Hi, i went out to look at a job and found gas fire fitted with a flue liner which runs in 12" x 12 " plasterboard boxing, ive only ever fit fires to brick chimneys or pre cast flues/ balanced flues, Just need advice on regs to confirm the installation is ID, as the boxing would have a wood...
  16. jaydebruyne

    Rads on plasterboard walls

    How's best to fit them on plasterboard walls? No studs found. Underneath a window. Double panel. 1600 x 300
  17. R

    Plasterboard fallen apart, help pls

    Hi had some plumbers who went to install a new kitchen sink for me but as they removed the old worktop its pulled half the tiles and plasterboard along with it ! They informed me its best to get the water damaged plasterboard fixed. Here is a picture of my issue ...
  18. A


    Hi Guys, Just a real quick one! Doing so work in the bathroom and found that board that the tiles are stick to which cover the waste pipes is not in good condition. I'm just slightly concerned it might be asbestos? What do you all think? Just plasterboard? Have seen that asbestos has been...
  19. M

    mico bore heating pipes clipes to breeze block before dot and dab plasterboard

    is duct tape ok for corrosion protection on micro bore central heating pipes clipped to breeze block walls before dot and dab plasterboard
  20. ?

    Noise reduction pasteboard - what is it?

    Hi all, I googled it but suprisingly it didnt have any info. The Noise reduction pasteboard came with a franke sink but i am not sure if it is used like silicon or not. Any ideas? Thanks for reading
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