
  1. W

    Help. Oftec engineer did not register my boiler installation

    Help. I am trying to sell my house and just discovered from local searches that my plumber - who WAS Oftec registered when he installed the boiler did not register it!! 😡. He is no longer oftec registered and having spoken to oftec myself on Friday, they said the only option I have is to...
  2. A

    Oftec certificates app

    Hey everyone, Does anyone know of an app with the oftec certificates on so they can be done digitally? Thanks in advance
  3. D

    Overpriced OFTEC training course....

    Looking to renew my certs. Noticed there is now an OFTEC training place in Aberdeen near me. dropped them a note asking about availability and price of the 3 day course... £1150... plus vat. HOW MUCH !!! Madness......
  4. B

    Hi. Brian S, 51, gas safe, oftec registered, electrician

    Hi, Brian S, 51 gas safe, Oftec registered electrician.
  5. D

    Non OFTEC CD11 equivalent

    Got all my OFTEC tickets but I’m not OFTEC registered. Does anyone produce books of service forms equivalent to CD11?
  6. C

    Becoming oftec registered?

    How does one become oftec registered? Is it like gas safe whereby you have to complete a portfolio and find someone willing to show you the ropes yadda yadda or do you just sit the courses (of which there a few) and then you can go out and start servicing etc alone, I know there are annual...
  7. gingalig

    Van Stickers GSR Oftec

    Ok not really a problem but does anyone know where I can get the Gas safe large yellow triangle van stickers without the black bit. Having the same problem finding the large Oftec green triangles I know googles your friend and all that but however I look, I cant find them.
  8. Inverness

    Any oftec book that has all regs that I can carry in my van?

    im looking for a oftec book similar too the corgi orange book that is small enough to carry in my van. Would be grateful cheers
  9. T

    CCTS APL OFTEC Oil Course

    Hi Guys, I new here so I look forward to reading as well as trying to contribute towards this great forum. I am booked onto the CCTS APL OFTEC Oil Course in Belfast as I am a newbie to the servicing side of the oil industry. I drive oil tankers and would like to do some servicing etc on the...
  10. T

    oftec registered ???

    Simple Question lol. Ive been asked to fix a oil leak on a the supply pipe at the boiler do i need to be oftec registered
  11. F

    Oftec fail rate percentage

    To oftec and none oftec techs. Can anybody tell me if they have heard off or know off any lads that have actually failed an exam or inspection. Obviously I don't want people named and shamed but would like to get an idea of the fail rate in particular areas.This all relates to a conversation I...
  12. Gazzt

    Are oil delivery companies meant to be trainec by oftec in regards to oil delivery.

    Local oil company filled an oil tank with four big cracks in the tank, i thought they were trained to oftec level in regards to oil tank assessment and risk. The customer only noticed and questioned the tanker driver on his concern of the tank bursting.
  13. S

    Pas2030 oftec installers

    Any of you oftec guys pas 2030 registered?
  14. J

    Oftec- can I sign of boilers privately

    I have done my oftec course through the company I work for and was wandering if I can commission private jobs and sign of with relevant paperwork with this or do I have to apply for a sole trader separate qualification
  15. S

    Extremely annoyed with Oftec

    Received a letter this morning stating that i've been suspended, because i've no work for them to inspect. Since i invested lots of money to become OFTEC registered, ive received next to nothing of in the respect of oil work. FFS!! the money i spend to stay within in the realms...
  16. B

    Best OFTEC FGA kit

    Having had my old Kane 455 stolen recently, I need to replace my GGA with something shiny and new. I only had the natural gas kit with my old meter but, having added OFTEC, I need the full compliment of test equipment for that too. I've seen plenty of kits that seem to be heavily biased towards...
  17. plumb_know

    oil books

    Hi, Are their any books people would recommend to learn about oil boilers, maintenance, fault finding & installation? i would like to become often in the future and would like to start learning. appreciate the help
  18. B

    Oftec 101

    Alright guys? I'm pretty new to doing oil, I have OFTEC 101. Can I replace an oil boiler with oftec 101 or do I need another add-on for this? Also, I understand that if you are not oftec registered, you can't self certify the installation, so you need to go through building control. Do you know...
  19. D

    Non Oftec branded CD10........why?

    I see you can now buy non branded oftec CD10 forms via the Oftec website and they also come with Grant boilers.........but why?! My understanding is you have to be Oftec registered to install oil boilers so why do they even give you the option to not use the Oftec books, as if your not...
  20. M

    complaints procedure oftec

    Hello I need to have a complaints procedure to satisfy oftec the inspector says theres one in the technical section on the oftec site? I can't find it anywhere maybe its called something other than "Complaints procedure" Anyone know if there is one to print out and put my name on it (That...
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