
  1. R

    Multi Meter which one for engineers

    Can anyone recommend a decent multi meter, preferably under a 100 pounds. It's for checking boiler components so I don't need a top spec one ....just easy to use and reliable. The fluke 115 looks good but its above my budget. My current socket and see one was great but it's developed a fault.
  2. M

    UK I wish to add a second boiler to my existing meter. Location 20m away.

    I wish to add a second boiler to my existing meter. Location 20m away. Underground run. Can l use 32mm yellow pipe with copper tails at each end. Thank you in advance
  3. J

    At Risk gas meter box after new combi boiler fixed

    Had conventional boiler and tanks removed last year and new combi fitted and just recently had it serviced but the guy who did it has given me a gas warning notice for at risk as the outside wall meter box has been drilled through for the gas pipe to go horizontal straight to the boiler. The...
  4. B

    Water meter fitting problem

    Can I fit a water meter to this, and if so would anyone know what make and what I would need to do to fit it, picture attached
  5. N

    Looking for a smart water meter

    I live in Azerbaijan and am looking to revamp the water system in my house. The first thing is that I don't have a water meter - probably a good thing as my mother in law pours tonnes of water on the garden in summer, mostly watering weeds as she can't tell the difference from grass. But the...
  6. irishwildman

    Outdoor Gas Meter Pipework

    hi i am currently moving home and i have been told by a plumber that the enc pipework into/out of this gas box would not pass a gas safety test. I have also been given a safety certificate to say that there is nothing wrong with the pipework. Can anyone advise thanks
  7. S

    re: Water Meter Red Triangle In constant motion

    Should the small red triangle on meter continually be moving? Checked meter after hearing water noise in garage. Want to know if it’s a Sydney water issue or do we need a plumber.
  8. M

    Meter installer - new to industry

    Hi guys, any meter installers about? im looking to complete a course to get CCN1 qualified and met1 qualified so I can look at becoming a smart meter installer. once qualified all employers seem to want 6 -12 months experience as a meter fitter. How do you guys gain the first years...
  9. P

    Water meter readings 22mm vs 15mm?

    Good day My question is concenrning a system where the main water meter is on a 22mm water line, this line is then split to 15mm lines. Will the 22mm line water meter have a larger reading over the 15mm line water meter?
  10. S

    Install new internal meter and remove external meter

    Hi all, I currently have an external water meter (which is a sub-meter) of my neighbours meter. The mains supply runs into their garden and then splits off into my sub-meter. We are planning on building an extension near to the existing external sub-meter and I have sought advice from Yorkshire...
  11. 1

    Solar thermal flow meter blocked

    Hi, Solar thermal not so big these days but a couple of Q for anyone who still works in it. Background. I'm an Electrician not a plumber.. I've been maintaining my otherwise excellent solar thermal (Original install MCS by Others), for the last ~ 18 years, over which time I've needed to clean...
  12. delaneybob

    Is this a main line and water meter

    Hi- In an apartment and the attached picture is what I have. I am looking to install a magnetic descaler on the main water line and want to know if the cylindrical thing is a meter (I don't pay for water as part of rent) and why the ball valve is 1/2 shut on what appears to be the main pipe I...
  13. L

    Advise EVC and gas meter

    I had a boiler check today all went well, and then he went to check on the gas meter which is in my larder in the kitchen high up on the wall. That wasn’t too much of an issue, although the gas engineer did say that it wasn’t a common place to have it, but it was there when we moved in so...
  14. K

    E6 Gas meter index not updating

    I had to gas rate on an E6 meter in a dark, muddy basement the other day. No place to put down tools. I stayed there for two minutes only to find out the meter index had not updated at all. Obviously the cooker was burning gas. I press the red button at the beginning and the end. Has anyone...
  15. M

    E 6 gas meter permissable drop

    Is the large permissable drop of 8mb on a E6 meter due to the fact the meter has a high contain level?
  16. M

    Length of gas pipe from meter to boiler

    I have a domestic gas meter located at one side of my building and my boiler/cooker (only 2 gas devices) on the other side of the building. There is currently a 28mm gas pipe from meter to the boiler which is approx 25m and a further 5m to the gas cooker. My gas engineer is saying that the...
  17. J

    High meter operating pressure and low gas rate

    Hi just been to check a family members boiler and I’m getting just over 25mbar working pressure at the meter and 22mbar inlet pressure at the boiler. Standing pressure is 29mbar and done a tightness test and that is all fine. Also did a gas rate and it’s only only showing as 22kw and the boiler...
  18. D

    Removal of internal water meter

    Hello.need a little help. I have a water meter under kitchen sink next to stop tap and a water meter outside under the pavement. Can I remove the meter under the kitchen sink?
  19. B

    L&G Identify Gas Meter

    Hello, I am having an on-going battle with my energy supplier trying to get a smart gas meter. I have a Landis &gyr installed which was a replacement for a faulty meter about 3 years ago. The installer at the time told me it was not a Smart meter. The energy company is insisting its a SMETS1 -...
  20. E

    Best advise for meter box repair

    Hi All, Thanks for taking a look at this. I currently have a massive condensation patch on the inside of my wall behind my gas meter (Pics attached.) The box lock is damaged and the seal around the enclosure has perished so ideally I would like to replace the box, however my understanding is...
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