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Would anybody like to become a blog writer on our forum?

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Staff member
Just putting the feelers out there to see if any of you would like to write an article or two on our blog. It can be about anything as long as it's plumbing related. So write an article about some tools, a how-to on something plumbing-related. Perhaps a guide on how to use a certain tool or product.

Maybe even just a 'day in the life of a plumber' type article, and you can write one once a month to give us all updates on what kind of life a plumber has. Which jobs have gone well, which ones caught you out etc.

Looking for half a dozen regular article writers.

If you're retired it'd be nice to get you part of the blog longer term and perhaps we can even pay eventually for your content and time. And you get to pass on some knowledge to the newbies into the trade.

Let me know either by replying, or via the forum messaging system. :)
I think for the first bunch of blog posts they'd need to be made by average Joe. I wouldn't want your good content get accused of having a commercial slant to it.

Leave it with me matey. Thanks for your offer. :)
I was trying to offer as well and with the same non commercial motive as Alan ....centralheatking
My experience goes back to 1982 plumbing gas and drain work then
got bigger and bought some houses in Bath but am still right in touch
as despite my design business there are a few fellas that still,turn out for me ....only when they want to tho..we are all over 60
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I visited to look at plumbing systems in India, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Turkey, Cyprus. I have a number of nice stories with no commercial interest in any of those countries.
Did you know for instance that in India farmers pump clean drinking water straight from aquifers into the sea in order to claim grants for irrigation. Payment is based solely on the electricity bill received by the farmer. The more water and electricity they waste the bigger the grant. On my way to speak to a Consular Official in India my guides gave me this great insight which was basically that I was wasting my time trying to promote energy efficient pumps!
We drank a lovely cup of Chai and irrigation pumps were never mentioned.
I have written copy before Lou many words etc I suggest to keep things on track and in this internet world 300 words maximum to keep interest and right on subject
your and Dans Call regards Rob Foster aka centralheatking
Just set up the parameters and I am sure you will get willing engineers to contribute
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Yeah Dan's just working on something else right now but he will put all that sort of stuff in. It's for a blog so needs to be quite long really

Done. Submit your articles to this area. I can't promise which ones will make the cut. But I'm sure while we need a bit of content in there that most will go through.

Need aim for 2000 words but I'd accept 1000 for now. :)

Need a couple of images too. But I can find those for now also.

Anything plumbing related.

Note that you can see your own threads in there, but nobody elses. Give the thread title the article name you propose, and I'll consider that. Or a version of it. And also note that articles submitted wont be erased on request. They become ours to keep.

I'll stick a box at the bottom linking to your forum account, and a bit of a description etc. So I can stick a link in that bit back to either your own website, or your business, or the forum account, but no commercial links in the articles please. :)

I don't mind linking to wiki pages and things that wont get erased over time. So holiday review site (if you've plumbed somewhere) and that kinda thing. Bad example that was. lol I'm sure you wont need link to that. :)

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