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Where do you advertise?

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Paul - PDS

Gas Engineer
Just a nosey thread to see where we all get our work from!

I personally just rely on the website although it's not brilliant so looking for more ideas..

fire away!
Got my name on a t shirt, but that's about it keep meaning to hit it hard but I'm fairly busy so fear advertising might drown me , local shop and my website. If I fancy a walk I put out my postcards.
Yell costs me about £150 a year. I make my money back in the first week generally. Just finished a £2300 job that came from an extra yell listing I placed in a nice village that cost £130.

Friend of mine tried yell was given all the patter plumbers are the most searched item on yell, you'll get at least 1 call a day etc 3k later 2 months down the line not so much as a prank call!
Must depend on where you are. It's the only form of advertising I do, and it really has worked.

I live in an area which is cheap to advertise in, but has a decent reach. I decided to add listings in 2 other cheap areas this year (low population but wealthy) and I've had lucrative jobs from both now.

If I was to advertise in Leeds I think it would cost about £8/900 for a medium weight listing, but there's too much competition there.
Who do you get to deliver the flyers

Those spotty scroats you keep in the van. Add two cans of red bull and crisps and your away. They do 30 - 100 houses either side of an install. If one flyer even gets within 5000m of a bin they are sacked and walk home.
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Logo design gaurantee are very cheap to design flyers, i£39.99 and you can change it as much times as you want b4 they send the final product, they designed a logo for me aswell , i thought they were brilliant although ive never printed the flyers off yet Heres mine


  • 001.jpg
    98.4 KB · Views: 66
Soz dina mean to stick flyer on i tried to put a link to it on, but that company send as much proof as till your happy,,,,
We have own design PDF and send it to who ever is cheapest last batch were printed on vinyl to make then stand out. Don't spend more than a penny or two a flyer
Anyone ever stuck up an advert on a road side board? Any ideas how much? Looked at jc decaux web sites and the like but no pricing. I fell out with a letting agent a while back for trebling my costs and passing it on then a landlord complained and they said it was my cost not theirs and I got bombarded with calls from the landlord over it. Soon put him right!

Was thinking of slapping an advert up On the board opposite their office advertising landlord certs with combined service for £x
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