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Classi seal rubber seal for showers? Any good?

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I've just installed a new shower tray and have used the product below to act as the seal between it and the walls. Does anyone have experience of the product, is it a good solution, does it stand the test of time? The room is yet to be tiled so I have made a mistake it is not too late to fix!

Classi Seal ® Flexible Waterproof Upstand

When sticking the strip on in some parts the adhesive part was 5-10mm below the top of the tray, it should have been flush with top of the tray so water cannot enter anywhere...
Not a massive fan of these kind of products as i feel they are a bit too "D.I.Y'ish" but thats not to say they don't work. I generally seal the tray using a silicone sealant between the tray edge and board (if this makes sense) and then a bead around the tray prior to tiling and a final one onced tiled. Aswell as the use of a membrane on the wall i have yet to get a problem with leaking. Like i said its not the wrong product to use what you are using but i don't trust them personally.
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works a treat if you use iaw instructions, far better than a silicone seal as silicone can annd does often fail over time, you only have to look at seals around baths!. Not a diy product as ive only seen it in mertchants there gain I dont frequent b&Q lol. If the tray doesnt have its own upstand, as most better quality ones do, then its ideal as its flexible and if the tray ever moves it wont fail and break the seal.
works a treat if you use iaw instructions, far better than a silicone seal as silicone can annd does often fail over time, you only have to look at seals around baths!. Not a diy product as ive only seen it in mertchants there gain I dont frequent b&Q lol. If the tray doesnt have its own upstand, as most better quality ones do, then its ideal as its flexible and if the tray ever moves it wont fail and break the seal.

I agree they are great we use them all the time and as for the diy comment the way your doing it with silicone is the diy way these don't fail silicone will
Like i said, i'm not saying its the wrong product to use i'm saying i don't like using them. As for saying much better quality trays have their own upstand i think you're going on better quality from merchants? Jacuzzi trays, Kudos trays, Simpsons trays etc. all tend to not have upstands, trays that are fitted on site and in new build houses have upstands- not that good a quality. Frequent b&q? With fitting top end bathrooms its not that often we get bathrooms from b&q. Most top end shower tray manufacturers and distributors don't often put "Use a classi-seal" in their instructions do they? They generally say to use a good quality silicone sealant. A good quality tray fitted well will not have much flex in it, if any at all, and with the addition of silicone it should never leak.
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Classi seal was invented by clasic marble a top end shower tray manafacturer
Ps the tray might not flex but if it's on joists they might
Clearly don't get the point i have repeated on numerous occasions. There's nothing wrong with the product i just personally don't like using it as i have used them in the past and had a problem, since then i haven't used them.
The poster asked has anybody used it and is it a good solution. I gave my opinion, if you don't like it thats fair enough, each to their own.
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before silicone was invented shower trays were around and of decent quality ie porcelain, cemented in and sealed with putty etc. A right pain to remove but shows how well they were put in. As far as Im concerned silicone is the devils own elixir and if I could ban it I would as its used and abused constantly and over time always seems to fail omho. Just coz a shower manufacturer reccommends its use doesnt make it the best method in my experience, just the easiest for diy etc and it doesnt therefore make it right. Its just sad the old skills have gone out the window as they take to long or arent compatible with the cheap tat produced for sale nowadays
I agree that shower trays aren't of the quality they probably once were. As for banning silicone i think this is a tad bit too far, what would you seal a basin, bath, shower with? I think you are right in saying old skills have gone out the window but this kind of contradicts you using claasi seal, hardly an old skill is it? I just think that classi seals and upstands on trays are not needed, if fitted professionally with a bead of silicone and tiled correctly with another bead then job done!
Don't want to argue i just don't like the stuff, much as you don't like silicone but if we all agreed with everything it would be a boring world!
so we can agree to disagree and its my belief that using silicone as the only seal is diy and unproffessional as it nearly always fails over time. Ive yet to have a classi seal installed to mfis ever give me a call back. Im always having to go and try and reseal shower trays installed iaw mfis that use silicone, with that in mind I cannt understand why anyone offering a guarantee would ever rely on the stuff on its own.
What's the difference between oldplumber and silicone?

Well,silicone is relatively new and flexible................

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I see where you're coming from oldplumber but like i said before, thats my opinion and i stand by it. I would never guarantee my work if i thought that it would fail in the future, that would be irresponsible and give myself a bad rep. Never had a problem with my method and hopefully never will. You never answered my questions either lol what would you seal things with if you banned silicone like you want to? And do you see classi seal as and old traditional plumbing skill?
Never fails to ammuse me this forum
I see classi seal as a decent alternative to the old methods of work and you dont get covered in white muck. If the tray is in securely and it wont move then a good quality rout has work for at least the last 70 years and will go on doing so for years to come. However if the customer wants b&q tat then a product like classi seal and the most expensive silicone available is about all you can use. And I at pains to tell the cheapskates that invariably they will get a leak in the future despite what it says on the tin. I hope you find that amusing as well
Bit late to the conversation but I recently renovated my bathroom. My friend who is a plumber helped me with the project. When it came to fitting my new bath with an overhead shower, he told me I would need to get a Classi Bathroom Waterproofing Kit for the job. He directed me to My local plumbing supply store So I ordered it and it was perfect for the job! Really easy to fit when we followed the instructions and my new bathroom has been fully waterproofed since. Highly recommend it guys!
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