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Best wind up gone wrong

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
Any one had any that went really wrong
In the late 80'3 early 90's the captain of our then pool team was a monumental cock so my cousin (for cousin, see brother, uncle, father even mother) decided he would use his in built filtration system to top up the said captains pint while captain was using his in the gents
Debbie (El Capitano's missus) walked through the door a split second after cousin put his filtration wand away, then we all stood agog and watched her bolt every last drop from her partners glass, then complain it was a bit warm and not up to the pubs usual standard and maybe he should check the coolers in the cellar
There was a lot of sniggering, but we passed it off as her drinking her beaus beer
She wasn't very likeable either
Whilst working on my uncles farm as a nipper, i managed to catch a rat one day. Being a troublesome beggar, I popped it in the tool box of the tractor old Ken drove, he had been around years and we liked to mess him about at times. So Kenneth hopped in his tractor and as per normal was rolling his *** one handed as he left the yard, we assume, that he then reached into his toolbox for one of the many lighters he stored there and rattie made his presence felt. We observed the tractor drive off the road into a ditch, we observed Ken get out, we observed him waving an arm around to dislodge rat from up a sleeve, we laughed joyously. We, was me and two other youngsters. they however regained common sense and buggered off in the distance, to observe Ken nipping round the corner and landing one on my snout. I observed at lot of blood spouting from my nose and still remember thinking that Ken could run quite fast for a bloke in his sixties and more over packed a very good right hook!! Imho that was a wind up that went a bit wrong, for me anyhow...
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Quite joyous for the 2 other youngsters I expect though

oh how they laughed............ but like I said Kenneth could run well for his age and he caught up with them later. My uncle did query later on in the day why we all had facial disfigurements :)
I had similar when I was around 5/6? ish
Bonfire night was a big territorial thing around our way in the 70's
We'd start collecting tyres in dec and hiding them ready for next year in dens etc
I'd discovered that another rival tribe had hidden a load of "roadies" (tyres that were bigger than your average car tyre) so set about transferring them to our den
One of the tyres in question was a highly sought after lorry tyre, about the same size as me back then
I thought it a good idea to let it go down the shallow incline of a road by my house to see how far it would roll... and it was, until a Hillman Imp turned the corner and was driving in my general direction
I swear I could see the whites of his eyes when the tyre hit the Imp dead middle of the front grille
I run for my life round the old tram road (which incidentaly, is behind the house I now live in) and up the short cut
No good, he knew the short cut as well and he caught me and I p1ssed myself in fear
You know the feeling when your a kid, when your on the cusp between laughing and crying, that was me
Told our mam that I'd fell in the brook playing, that's why my trousers were wet
Luckily, the Imp driver ( I never did find out who he was, must have been local though) never complained
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