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Advice please on a leak that appears to come from the SOIL pipe

Discuss Advice please on a leak that appears to come from the SOIL pipe in the USA Plumbers Advice area at



Hy all,

So i noticed the corner in the living room was getting damp. investigation showed that the corner skirting board that goes around the boxing in of the SOIL pipe was rotten with mould and the carpet was saturated. Obviously been going on for a long time. I dried the area out.

I then realised that when ever the sink taps or shower ran, or the toilet was flushed in the upstairs ensuite water would eventually seem to start coming UP (not down) from around the SOIL pipe in the downstairs living room. I expect this is a foot or two above what im learning is called the REST bend. Ths SOIL pipe disappears into the concrete floor and traverses two rooms (below ground onbviously) before arriving at the drain outside. I can see the water come out there too when i run taps or flush etc....

Immediatley thought partial blockage but would expect the water to just keep rising up until it comes out of the toilet, or perhaps wouldnt even flush anymore. So ive ruled blockage out. I also considered damage to the soil pipe outside before it enters the drain. I had a very mature shrub there. I removed shrub dug down to expose the SOIL pipe and it looks to be sound.

I used a garden hose to rod the SOIL pipe from the drain and didnt feel any resistance. Pretty sure i pushed it far enough to reach the REST bend in the living room.

I also cant see it being an upstairs problem as the sink drainage, Shower drainage and toilet would all have their own connection to the the SOIL pipe, plus everything there apears to be dry albeit hard to see plus I have absolutley no hint of damge to the ceiling to suggest an upsatirs leak?

So it would seem i need to start doing some damage to get to the crux of it and am a loss of where to start. If it is the REST bend thats in concrete 2' below the living room :'(

Any idea's greatly appreciated.

ps- the ensuite upstairs is hardly used as its in a guest room so im very surprised if its a blockage.

Kindest regards
Need to remove the boxing could be a bad boss eg from the sink / others that’s running down

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