
  1. R

    Riello rdb1 not cycling beyond purge

    Hi guys, will be grateful for your advice. Riello rdb1 in Grant combi. When boiler has been switched off for several hours on start up burner cycles properly and boiler runs OK. Having reached operating temp with heating and hot water all fine, on demanding heat once again the fan motor runs but...
  2. R

    Vaillant Eco Tec Purge

    Hi. Our Vaillant Eco Tec Pro 28 (13 Years Old) stopped working two days ago. The boiler was trying to fire up but the start up sequence never got all the way through so no heating or hot water. No error code but an S.97 code when I hit the 'I' button. After an engineer fitted a new pressure...
  3. D

    Meter purge times calculation help

    Hi there, I am writing a free app which will give a guide as to the purge time required for a commercial gas meter. So I have determined the installation volume and the total purge volume but I'm looking on how to determine the purge time. From what I understand, I need to take the largest...
  4. B

    DIY Purge stacks

    Anyone got any pics looking for ideas got a few of my own . Going to use a old camera tripod 35mm pipe with t in and two Iso valves just wondered what everyone else has. doing a job Next week where for some reason HSE are wanting to be there also anyone heard of having to use nitrogen opposed...
  5. T

    Test yourself with Purge Volumes!!

    18m of 2" 10m of 1.5" 10m purge hose of 25mm nominal bore U40/G25 meter installed Please calculate IV and PV and Purge Time show your workings so i know youre not using your app! point in this being i keep getting it wrong according to app but know im right!!!
  6. W

    Gas checks after repair?

    After work has been carried out on a gas leak ( new copper section inserted to line under concrete floor ) by a qualified gas engineer, when looking at paper work what safety checks should have been carried out?
  7. C

    Purge and relight ?

    Hi, Has anyone worked on a purge and relight contract, what exactly is involved ? Gotta go and speak to a guy next week, just want to get a heads up on how it works. The guy mentioned visiting between and 2-20 properties and having to work nights....I thought it was just a meter/regulator...
  8. D

    New Analyser

    Hi everyone, Time to get a new Analyser. Have used a Kane and then an Anton in the past. I found the Kane would take too long to purge and the Anton would have to be sent off for repairs more frequently then the Kane… Has anyone got experience with Testo or any others? Preferably someone that...
  9. Scott_D

    Purge hose

    Can anyone point me in the direction of a site that sells good quality hoses looking for something 3/4 or 1" by 20m or longer Google just throws up diy stores or purge kit hire places
  10. P

    Converting To Sealed System - How To Purge Air When Refilling?

    I'm toying with the idea of changing my vented system to sealed. I'm OK with what needs to be done, apart from one thing. At present, when refilling, obviously air is driven up and out of the vent. If I seal the system, is it normal to fit an automatic air vent on a high point? The boiler has...
  11. O

    How do they get water out of a flooded gas main ?

    Ok so some numpty has put his digger through a gas and water main ! Not affected mine but united utilites have contacted a "special team" to deal with it ! One of the lads said that he has seen then pump a special gas into the line to get rid out the water ! But it is just bugging me how they do...
  12. S

    tightness test

    i do installs and after installation is complete i tightness test then purge as required when tightness testing existing installation, say for landlords cert do you then follow purge procedure? or is there no need due to pipework no been broke into? cheers
  13. G

    purging u6 meter, reading the volume passed through confusion

    Hi, im new here, im currently working towards my acs. Ive been practicing my purge calculations, ive been fine with them, but when it comes to checking the volume pass through whilst purging i need some clarification. ok here goes meter purge volume is 5 times badge capacity 5 x 0.071 =...
  14. B

    Purging procedure question...?

    Hello all, I'm currently studying for my initial ASC assessment and was wondering if any of you fellas can help me with a niggling issue I have re purging. I know all the claculation methods for volume etc, but on the actual process my tutor taught that you open the furthest point on the...
  15. D

    Purge sheet

    I am required by my college to provide purge evidence while building my portfolio but stupidly have used my only purge sheet without making copies doh!! If anyone could email me a purge calculation sheet I will love u long time, before u ask I would get some from college but it is over a hours...
  16. B

    N power purge and relight

    Had a call off n power,asking if i would do a purge and relight on a property near me.I couldnt go.Just wondered as anyone else done these before for them.
  17. S

    purge calculations example?

    hi lads i've just left the mob and im doing acs gas. starting to build my portfolio up by doing unpaid work. been writing last job up all weekend, installing new boiler, jus struggling with the purging calculations. i have the Niceic on site guide and it doesn't show any workings out. its just...
  18. D

    HELP PLEASE- Purge a power shower

    Hi All. I am having trouble with my power shower, it is fed by a cold pipe and a hot pipe. After our mains water being off, my power shower warm feed has stopped working. The motor is running and making a noise but no hot water is coming out! The cold water does still work. All upstairs hot...
  19. D

    Commercial purging

    Anyone know where I might be able to hire a purge stack etc? I have a < 1m3 system to purge and as this is my first commercial purge (other than in training!) I don't feel too inclined to go out and buy all the kit in one fell swoop. The job is in the south west.
  20. M

    purging info

    Hi guys, i have just read a book today which suggests that you do not need to do any calculations on domestic systems when purging. You just purge 0.035 m3. Is this correct? Cheers
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