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What a week

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
Monday Tuesday business as usual even landed 3 boiler swaps from the back of some cp12s. Wednesday the youngest starts being ill nothing unusual in that, baby's are always picking up sickness bugs after all kids are like carrier monkeys.

No improvements so the wife takes him up to doctors and they say he is fine... Probably just teething. About 4/5 hours later the same doctor calls us from home pedeatrition at local hospital would like to take a look at him, by this time he isn't holding any fluids and the wife is naturally beside herself with worry, up to hospital monitored for a few hours and sent home same again probably just teething they say... Only now the wife isn't buying any of it! We're now on Thursday still no improvements so back up to hospital x rays, ultra sounds and bloods then they start the secret whispering doctor talk that they do when something's wrong but they aren't sure what. Now Thursday 9pm blue lights from medway hospital up to kings college.

Midnight rolls in and we get a surgical Consultant come in and explains they believe he has a blockage in his bowel and are going to try and unblock it with air passed through the rectum via a tube, after everything so far the wife can't see any more and opts to wait outside while I step in.

2am Friday the procedure starts and I have to say it is horrific having to watch your kid cry in fear and pain whilst all you can do is hold his little hand and keep repeating that it's all ok and it will be over soon. Poor baby is only 8 months and obviously doesn't understand but what else can you do.

blockage not clearing so he has to rest for 2 hours till they can try again 4:30am as above all over again still not clearing so off down to surgery so they can cut in and remove the blockage by hand and whip his appendix out whilst there in there.

by now it's Wednesday since we last slept and are both dead on our feet it 5:45 and trying to take everything in and ask any questions you have before signing to say you agree to surgery is hard work!

But 7:30 am Friday he is in recovery and looking good. So a day of morphine and rest for him whilst we sleep for a few hours.

Now saturday and we have been told he can come home today and what a relief it is to hear that! So all seems a success

and hats off to the medical teams up at kings college what a fantastic bunch they have been everyone from the dinner lady to the surgeons have been brilliant to the wife and the boy all the way through

i know we moan about the NHS but I cannot fault that hospital in any way what a fantastic place it really is
glad things look better, as for the NHS, when you need them they are the dogs B's in my books.
Some happy news.

Pretty scary when you know there is nothing you can do. But sounds as though you were looked after.

I agree with LP, the nhs takes some stick but all of my experiences have been top notch.
I feel for you mate, holding your child's hand and looking into there eyes while a doctor does their job is one of the worst things in life, glad it's all looking up now.
Nothing worse than seeing your kids unwell or in pain. I wish the little one a speedy recovery.
Glad that you ignored the doctors and stuck to your guns.

hope the little one is on the mend and will be cheery soon!

i haven't been anywhere else like kings, best place to get taken too.
having myself, uncle and dad all been rushed in with neck injuries cannot fault them, the doctors are great and most won't take any crap from the druggies wanting their methadone fix where as at maidstone, medway and pembury you wait hours behind the cretins!!!

rest up rob :)
glad your little one is on the mend. i've have nothing but praise, respect and admiration for the guys and gals in the NHS.
my daughter was born 13 weeks premature and weighed 1lb 13oz. had loads of problems and was a given 5% chance of making it through the night at 1 point. she turned 20 last month as lives life like a typical young un. she wouldn't here today
if it wasnt for those dedicated nurses dr's and surgeons and everybodyelse who works in the NHS. then theirs the son who nearly blew his hand off with fireworks. i thank my lucky stars we live in uk not the USA
I can honestly say that brought a tear to my eye
Really glad it all seems ok now hope your wee one is on road to recovery
a credit to you and your wife all the best for future now and lots of happier times

Ps if you need anything give us a shout I'm sure I speak for most in this place
Thank feck things are looking better GMR, nothing worse than your kids being ill, especially seriously in your wee boys case.
Blimey Rob, I had a lump in my throat reading that, so happy to hear he's on the mend.

'What a week' was a bit of an understatement.
It looks like I spoke to soon wee one has a temperature so they are keeping him in overnight again nothing serious but they want to make sure he hasn't picked up an infection.

and it's London marathon tomorrow so getting to and from hospital will be a right cow
I have a daughter of the same age which is our second. With the first we'd tend to take the doctor's word for everything, after all we were just stumbling our way through parenthood and expected them to know better.
With our second we're more clued up and way more assertive with medical staff. We know our kids better and we know when something's not right
Hope he makes a speedy recovery, bad enough taking them for injections let alone proper medical procedures.
I have a daughter of the same age which is our second. With the first we'd tend to take the doctor's word for everything, after all we were just stumbling our way through parenthood and expected them to know better.
With our second we're more clued up and way more assertive with medical staff. We know our kids better and we know when something's not right
Hope he makes a speedy recovery, bad enough taking them for injections let alone proper medical procedures.

Aye, getting them injections is always a dull moment, that look they give you..."why have you done this to me dad" makes you feel really ****ty :lol:
And again we realise how fragile and precious our babies are, I know we all moan all the time, but we really need to see when the glass is half full and enjoy what we have etc
Wishing the wee lad a speedy recovery.

When our first was 3 months old, he didn't pass stool for THREE days. The missus was besides herself, so that night, we headed for A+E at Mayday Hospital (now a university hospital I am told). It took them 3 hours before he was seen. OK, I know it was not a life and death situation, but you would think little ones would have priority?
So we were told he must have a blockage and they will have to x-ray. By this time, I had had enough and told them I will not have him x-rayed. I told the wife we were going back home, to which she asked if I was sure? The medical staff said if I decide to leave, I must sign a form saying I left of my own accord etc. I just picked up the baby and walked off.

He is Mad, I hear you say. Well, my dad was a doctor, and my mum a nurse/midwife. So all through our upbringing, we never went to hospital. I know what my mum would have done. Design a bar os soap the size of her little finger, wet it and push it up the childs bum, and presto, bowel empties. SORTED.

My missus had started introducing the lad to solids, which triggered the problem. So why the need for an X-Ray.
That brought a tear to my eye, I have 2 young kids and if anything happens I'm in bits to be honest when they are not looking.

it probably don't mean a lot over a forum but I wish them well.
glad to hear the little one is ok, lets be fair its not the boys and girls at the sharp end of the health service that lead to critiscm
its poor management ,bad record keeping, the delays getting anything thats not an emergency done and the riduculous amount of crap thats sent down from above to hamper the real work
I can't imagine what you and the Mrs must have gone through. I panic at even the slightest fever any of my 2 little ones get.

Really glad he's on the mend.
Glad all is ok, there the most precious things in anyone's life and feel for you having to go through all that.
hope everything sorts itself out Rob all the best to the family and yourself.
I can fault the NHS as when the boy (13 months)couldn't breathe I had to get an ambulance. Rang up and they say en route. I get phoned back 2 minutes later to be told I can't have one but maybe be able to sort out a taxi! The words that annoyed me most were "taxi" and "maybe". They got told where to go obviously and said I'll do it myself. A lot quicker. So I sped to the hospital while our lass is in tears telling me to hurry and the sound of my boy struggling to breathe. Ironically getting held up by an ambulance. THEN I got a parking fine through the post as stupidly on my part I didn't pick up my bank card,stop at the cashy,then go down,get some change and pay to park in the hospital car park. That's the only time I've needed emergency care for years and to be honest I can't say I'm fond of the NHS.
But hope all is well and the little one makes a speedy recovery buddy. It's the worst thing when your little one is bad and there's isn't a thing you can do about it
Glad things are o.k........unfortunately the bad news from hospitals really over shadows the good work that goes on ......regards Turnpin
Really hope he's on the mend Rob. As already said, if there's anything I can help with, I'm not THAT far away from where you are...
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