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Health issues chaps ??

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king of pipes

Gas Engineer
Now heading for the big 60 in a few years time I have noticed that the body is beginning to show signs of wear and tear , I've been having a few tests done recently as I have had a lung infection which knocked me for six I had a three week break over Christmas but still not feeling well, the dust and fumes involved with this job is beginning to play me up again there's a limit to what you can do you can't possibly wear a mask all the time any of you suffering through work relate health problems . Regards Kop
I have sarcoidosis in the lungs and need to wear a mask if I'm working in the dust.

The knees are sore but the knee pads in my trousers help a lot.

A few round me are cutting back, stopping installs, stopping bathrooms etc and concentrating on repairs and servicing.

52 next week, another 7 or 8 years at this pace will see me picking and choosing what I do and what I decide no way.
I used to think I was untouchable never had a illness now these last 3 years it's always a chest problem that takes me down, other than a few aches and pains I am in relatively good health never smoked not a big drinker we eat well I now know I am very vunerable , years of dust, fumes , fibre glass, and dare I say it asbestos from time to time it is beginning to take its toll on the old git, I haven't had all the results back from the tests ?? so any young guns out there invest in a decent dust mask and do at least try and wear it for the the worst of jobs because it will catch up with you in the end . Regards Kop
Severe osteoarthritis in left shoulder diagnosed last year I put this down to tool bag carrying for 30 plus years plus knees that creak not much else wrong other than ailments of age eyesight is crap for close up so have been using glasses for Lat 7 years that gradually get stronger. These are all problem of age really to make it political I don't know how the government thinks that we can still do this type of work into our 70's
Now heading for the big 60 in a few years time I have noticed that the body is beginning to show signs of wear and tear , I've been having a few tests done recently as I have had a lung infection which knocked me for six I had a three week break over Christmas but still not feeling well, the dust and fumes involved with this job is beginning to play me up again there's a limit to what you can do you can't possibly wear a mask all the time any of you suffering through work relate health problems . Regards Kop
A very interesting and relevant post! Most of the time we ignore health issues and dismiss warning signs. Ignorance is not bliss!
I would do my history in this trade all over again. However I would have used knee pads and a mask
if knew what I know now. I was lucky in that I got into management and design from age of 45 on mostly by accident when it should be part of the plan for when we all get into mid 50s. 2 of us and a go for used to do 2x heating systems per week now it takes me 5 mins to get up off my knees.
I'm certainly not gloating but I'm in okay physical shape at 50 (mental shape is another matter) but I've been an absolute stickler for wearing all the H&S protection gear all the time and then some for the past twenty-five years. I saw back then what our trade (as well as other trades) could do to people and I say it now to the younger lads I come across if I think they'll listen. There is of course a macho culture that prevails amongst all trades because fundamentally it's young, male and strenuous but it's part of the course that we think we are indestructable at that age. As most of us are probably self-employed or work alone there is also the added time pressure and the proclivity to cut corners or we just can't be bothered to go downstairs to the van and dig out the ear defenders and mask to save a few precious minutes.

As contributors to this thread can testify there isn't anything macho about being crippled, diseased or deaf in your later years but it's not too late for those new or joining the trade. I had some new tyres fitted and the tracking done this month where the youngish lads were kneeling, lying and sliding all over the cold concrete and I couldn't help but say something. It was just a gentle word in the managers ear to say your firm should be providing knee pads and there's a good reason why nobody over forty appears to be doing this kind of work, Godspeed to all.
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I'm not a perfect picture of able bodyness. Blood pressure, weight etc are all fine plus my eyes and hearing are perfect. But I am full of metal from broken bones all self inflicted with motorbikes. I will soldier on cause if I could live my life again I would do it all the same
One of the reasons I changed course with my trade and went to work in the trade school workshop is my back. The company I worked for was a great place to learn, a very skilled plumber at the helm of a small family business. There was nothing plumbing related he would refuse to do (as well as some non-plumbing related stuff too, diamond drilling huge holes being one of them). Even 12 years ago when I started plumbing, my back could "blow out" pretty easily. These days I can fart too loud and my back goes funny and hurts, electric type shooting pains and sciatica messing with my legs, my backside hurts (no jokes please!) way more than I think it should when my back goes south.

If I lift everything properly and know my limits I can still lift and move a fair weight but my days of getting cylinders into lofts, or manhandling boilers up and down stairs are done. I'm only 40 but I've got to look after my back which feels much older than the rest of me. Any heavy lifting in less than ideal conditions is almost certain to leave me in a lot of pain.

Dividing my time between a workshop environment and maintenance jobs round the college estate suits me very well now. It means I can still enjoy working in the trade that I love and not get too bitter about wrecking my body later in life, I hope. Some of the lads take the mick just a little and say I've gone soft but they all want my job if I ever leave!

Also, I am (touch wood) very fortunate for many years now when it comes to other sickness. The last 12 years I've had only 5 or 6 sick days. However like most working people it seems I save getting ill for the weekend and go back to work OK on Monday morning. Anyone else notice that?

Whatever stage in your working or retired life you are at, look after you bodies folks.
I'm not a perfect picture of able bodyness. Blood pressure, weight etc are all fine plus my eyes and hearing are perfect. But I am full of metal from broken bones all self inflicted with motorbikes. I will soldier on cause if I could live my life again I would do it all the same
Eyes ...yes forgot about that after 55 now most of the work at end of my arms is out of focus. Long sight ok with specs but nearsight unless I am right close up very poor, I tend to solder up etc just down to experience and have a look afterwards ...and then I loose my specs !! But guess what still doing it And I now need more light
Than before it’s not a problem but a bit of a bug Centralheatking
I used to think I was untouchable never had a illness now these last 3 years it's always a chest problem that takes me down, other than a few aches and pains I am in relatively good health never smoked not a big drinker we eat well I now know I am very vunerable , years of dust, fumes , fibre glass, and dare I say it asbestos from time to time it is beginning to take its toll on the old git, I haven't had all the results back from the tests ?? so any young guns out there invest in a decent dust mask and do at least try and wear it for the the worst of jobs because it will catch up with you in the end . Regards Kop
I think most of us on here are self employed, this makes a work no we just get on and do it ...if we are ill we are REALLY ill...there is no catch net and this includes later in life
I have done this game all my life it’s is not for the faint hearted Chking
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Just hit 61 or might be 62, dunno cos I stopped counting, have shoulder and back aches most days. Eyes went downhill along with the hair around 30, can't stay down on my knees for too long nowadays either and lung problems is self inflicted from paint spraying without the mask and smoking.
As the song goes "I'm alright, I'm ok, it's getting to the end of the day".
My knees are starting to ache in my 40s and ever since college, mental health, confidence and self worth regularly take a beating and may not recover one day. Lol or cry....not sure.
I love plumbing and can't see myself in anything else, if maybe not on the tools, something.
Never doubt your self worth Duncan we provide a vital service to our customers which is very important take away heating, hot and cold water then their lives would soon become very miserable indeed, mens mental health often has to take a back seat as we push ourselves to breaking point to provide for our families, dont be afraid to admit you have a problem statistics say we will all suffer some sort of mental health problem in our adult life there is help out there, make time to do something you enjoy for a few hours even if its only once a month and just switch off from the everyday slog, i am toying with the idea of teaming up with a close colleague of mine to break up the time spent alone working, our paths cross often and when we work together its alot easier. Chin up bud all the best Kop
Never doubt your self worth Duncan we provide a vital service to our customers which is very important take away heating, hot and cold water then their lives would soon become very miserable indeed, mens mental health often has to take a back seat as we push ourselves to breaking point to provide for our families, dont be afraid to admit you have a problem statistics say we will all suffer some sort of mental health problem in our adult life there is help out there, make time to do something you enjoy for a few hours even if its only once a month and just switch off from the everyday slog, i am toying with the idea of teaming up with a close colleague of mine to break up the time spent alone working, our paths cross often and when we work together its alot easier. Chin up bud all the best Kop
Sometimes one like, doesnt seem enough.
The stress gets me from time to time, can’t seem to find the right balance anymore, it’s either far too much work stress, or not enough work stress, sleepless nights then sooo tired when the alarm goes off......
So my 6 year old joins the local football team and they need parents to step up and become team coaches, I reluctantly put myself forward.... been doing it just over a year now and turns out it’s great fun and just what the doctor ordered, 5 aside every Sunday morning in the rain with a bunch of daft 7 year olds and a great bunch of parents. Lol I even sponsor the team now with my logo on the shirts!!
Too many years working by myself was getting me down and all I needed was grass roots football 😎
Working Alone all day can be lonely. When there were loads of us , 10, every other Friday we met up in the pub about 4 pm. In the end the landlord set aside part of the long room for us. The volume of conversation was high with everybody wanting to tell their stories, experiences and advice, that’s why he moved us from the public bar. These fellas are mostly retired now but do ring up if they need to work to raise some dosh. Centralheatking

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