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Able skills.

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I've been reading a lot of bad press on here about how crap it is and how wrong it is to learn plumbing with theses short courses... We'll the one I'm doing is a year.. C&g level 2 and then doing gas and at the end of it we are not plumbers!.. We all know this on the course .. It takes a lot longer but we are one step nearer. And as for learning bad habits on the course that's bull!!... Your pipe work must be with in plus or minus 2mm!!! And if it ant then you got to do it again till it's right! Bad habits?.. I don't think so.. Now I've been working on sites for 26 years and some of the things I've seen you plumbers do are :nono:! Pipe works :nono:! Bending :nono:! And you fellas know I'm right! So get of your high horses when someone asks for advice on here about these courses because they are teaching us the right way to do the job!!..
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Strange first post. You're on my radar now.

Oh, and swear that many times in a post again there will be no friendly warning. You'll be off the forum.
What a way to ingratiate yourself to those you are looking to gain experience from.

With an attitude like that you'll go far. All the way to the job centre.

As for advice, stick to your marble floors.
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So you're doing a 1-year L2 course in plumbing. What have you been doing for 26 years on site?
WHAT ????

And you think the way to go forward in your plumbing career is to come here to this superb forum, where respect is generally given and received and RANT freely at those of us who have completed 'Real' qualifications over a period of '4-5 YEARS' and then some....

Here's some enlightenment and just for you as your so switched on (Apparently) I'll list the basics most of us will have completed and what you should achieve BEFORE you come here ranting your opinions at us qualified folk :

1. level 2 - tech cert
2. level 2 - NVQ
3. level 3- tech cert
4. level 3 NVQ

GAS - CCN1, CEN1+WAT1 = CENWAT, CPA1, CKR 1, HtR 1, MET 1.
Water Regs
Unvented G3

SO, When you have completed your little 'Cornflake box' qualification and moved on to the real stuff listed above and achieve them, Then and only then will I listen to you rant, until then Tippy toe along, you have some studying to do ;)

As we are generally nice here I will also wish you the very best of luck in your chosen career path ! :)
Hi Mason,

Have you read the book I wrote?

" How to make friends and influence people"

Well...its not really a book..its a leaflet.
You must have interpreted 2 of 3 paragraphs wrong.

Have a nice day...and enjoy your career change.

Pleasnatry's excluded
Mason you are 100% right some things that go on on sites are disgusting I wouldn't put a partially sited rodent in them and expect them to be pleased with the results.

how ever pretty much all of us on here take a lot of pride in our work enough so that we are willing to post pictures of our work and be judged by our piers

and those that know their work isn't mustard post pictures so they can obtain advise on where to improve and how they can produce something to be proud off. Take a look through the forum for threads such as job of the month, and let me have it.

how ever colleges and training centres are an idealistic conception of how the plumbing world actually is. Soil connections won't always be in the right place or made from plastic. Would you know where to start when removing a cast iron stack and how much to leave yourself to re connect and the materials you need?

can you determine the simplest route for your pipework in order to minimise wastage, keep costs down and cause minimum disruption to your customer.

Would you you know how to deal with an old imperial pipe full of water that won't solder and never seems to be fully empty of water?

are they teaching you about dura pipe? Reverse thread stop cocks? Ever heard of a spartan tank?

None of us did, not everything and certainly not after 4/5 years of training with on the job experience so what hope will you have on a short course. Besides a lot of forum members aren't having a pop at people sitting the courses but giving an honest out look on those peoples prospects of obtaining qualifications recognised by potential employers coupled with the experience they require.

since the start of the recession plumbing has been an employers market. Why do you think you see so many self employed plumbers running around?

I get your frustrations but ranting like that won't get you help and advise at a time when you really need it.
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Thanks gasmanrob for your advice I always new it would be a 5 or even 6 year turn around for me just to get into plumbing just having the c&g means very little it's the years under the belt that means more I know this.. Just read so many msg about putting newbies off and anyway at least that post got all you lot messaging!! And going nuts! ;-/
Thanks gasmanrob for your advice I always new it would be a 5 or even 6 year turn around for me just to get into plumbing just having the c&g means very little it's the years under the belt that means more I know this.. Just read so many msg about putting newbies off and anyway at least that post got all you lot messaging!! And going nuts! ;-/

Don't think people are going nuts, but this might shock you that people come on forums with a first post telling us how wonderful a provider is and how much better they are than the rest, only for us to find out "shock/horror" that they either work there or are related to someone who does and aren't actually studying there, so you can see why we are so cynical,
Where do you work and do you have any association with the place you are recommending to us?
WHAT ????

And you think the way to go forward in your plumbing career is to come here to this superb forum, where respect is generally given and received and RANT freely at those of us who have completed 'Real' qualifications over a period of '4-5 YEARS' and then some....

Here's some enlightenment and just for you as your so switched on (Apparently) I'll list the basics most of us will have completed and what you should achieve BEFORE you come here ranting your opinions at us qualified folk :

1. level 2 - tech cert
2. level 2 - NVQ
3. level 3- tech cert
4. level 3 NVQ

GAS - CCN1, CEN1+WAT1 = CENWAT, CPA1, CKR 1, HtR 1, MET 1.
Water Regs
Unvented G3

SO, When you have completed your little 'Cornflake box' qualification and moved on to the real stuff listed above and achieve them, Then and only then will I listen to you rant, until then Tippy toe along, you have some studying to do ;)

As we are generally nice here I will also wish you the very best of luck in your chosen career path ! :)

Aww Thats me out then ;-)
I've been reading a lot of bad press on here about how crap it is and how wrong it is to learn plumbing with theses short courses... We'll the one I'm doing is a year.. C&g level 2 and then doing gas and at the end of it we are not plumbers!.. We all know this on the course .. It takes a lot longer but we are one step nearer. And as for learning bad habits on the course that's bull!!... Your pipe work must be with in plus or minus 2mm!!! And if it ant then you got to do it again till it's right! Bad habits?.. I don't think so.. Now I've been working on sites for 26 years and some of the things I've seen you plumbers do are :nono:! Pipe works :nono:! Bending :nono:! And you fellas know I'm right! So get of your high horses when someone asks for advice on here about these courses because they are teaching us the right way to do the job!!..

Here's an average post reply to some of the questions asked on here:

I'd like to see where else your going to find a bunch of lads who take the time and trouble to answer thread after thread on any forum, and in a nice way too.

I had a rant at all on here “once” told them all,” I’d drop them down a well so deep they all die of thirst before they hit the bottom.”

Got an invite to the PLUMBERS ARMS , and the only safe way to enter the Arms was to walk in backwards and let them all think I was leaving.

Most of the pi55-takes are tongue in cheek.
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Mason you are 100% right some things that go on on sites are disgusting I wouldn't put a partially sited rodent in them and expect them to be pleased with the results.

how ever pretty much all of us on here take a lot of pride in our work enough so that we are willing to post pictures of our work and be judged by our piers

and those that know their work isn't mustard post pictures so they can obtain advise on where to improve and how they can produce something to be proud off. Take a look through the forum for threads such as job of the month, and let me have it.

how ever colleges and training centres are an idealistic conception of how the plumbing world actually is. Soil connections won't always be in the right place or made from plastic. Would you know where to start when removing a cast iron stack and how much to leave yourself to re connect and the materials you need?

can you determine the simplest route for your pipework in order to minimise wastage, keep costs down and cause minimum disruption to your customer.

Would you you know how to deal with an old imperial pipe full of water that won't solder and never seems to be fully empty of water?

are they teaching you about dura pipe? Reverse thread stop cocks? Ever heard of a spartan tank?

None of us did, not everything and certainly not after 4/5 years of training with on the job experience so what hope will you have on a short course. Besides a lot of forum members aren't having a pop at people sitting the courses but giving an honest out look on those peoples prospects of obtaining qualifications recognised by potential employers coupled with the experience they require.

since the start of the recession plumbing has been an employers market. Why do you think you see so many self employed plumbers running around?

I get your frustrations but ranting like that won't get you help and advise at a time when you really need it.
What a superb post rob !!!

How much are you paying for this wonderful c&g course then Mr Mason, BTW which one is it ?
Thanks for all the advice fellas.. I do understand it's going to take at least 5/6 years to be ready I new this from the start.. Just got the bum with people knocking us newbies for trying... And I don't know anyone who works at the course and as for me I work for the of the big marble companies in London and for the last 4 yrs I've been specialising in top class marble bathrooms some of witch cost up to £20000! So I want to learn the plumbing side so maybe I can start up on my own doing bathrooms complete?..
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