
  1. S

    Is this an air separator?

    Hello, I have been sent this and they said it’s leaking near the top. Am I right in thinking this is an air separator and the top is leading up to the vent pipe of F&E tank? All the ones they seem to sell look totally different. Thanks
  2. Bogart

    Air separator pipe connections

    Yes I know it is me with yet another question. As some of you may know am redoing some airing cupboard pipework. Attached is a photo of the air separator setup. As you can see the feed,15mm, from the F/E tank is tee'd off the 28mm connection heading to the pump. I assume this is okay, well...
  3. S

    System won't fill

    Hi, I drained our vented system yesterday to fit new valves to bathroom radiator. When draining I noticed the F&E tank did not empty, I had the supply off and all rad bleeds open, the rest of system emptied. When I try to fill back up I can't. I tried bleeding the rads but although 3 of 8 hissed...
  4. N

    system design and air problem

    Hi, I seem to be getting a lot of air in the system if I take the pump off its bare minimum setting, just left of the venting setting. I have a open vented S-plan, originally a british gas installation, fitted to a bungalow. The pump and valves are in the airing cupboard together with the...
  5. B

    Flamcoevent air separator query

    hi, we have a Flamcovent 3/4 air separator in the airing cupboard, connected to a sealed/pressurised central heating system (Glow-worm Energysaver condensing boiler). BG Homecare engineer will be returning later in the week to with new parts for the boiler. He had to drain the system and...
  6. W

    Recognize this cylinder?

    Gentlemen, We've moved into a house with an ageing (and inefficient) central heating system. Early investigations quickly turned up this little 100 mm high copper cylinder on the hot flow from the boiler. It is placed just below the upstairs ceiling, and connected immediately before the cold...
  7. T

    Dirt separator!

    Don't mean to sound a bit stupid but what's a dirt separator and what does it do?
  8. S

    F&E pipes in the wrong place?

    Hi Guys, MeBird had a new boiler fitted a few months back, and things just haven't been right since. First, the system was filling with air to the point that she was bleeding radiators constantly. Literally 3 times a day, and more. The plumber turned the pump down from 3 to 2, and this has...
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