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Someone got to start this one 🤔

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king of pipes

Gas Engineer
Morning chaps sitting here watching the early morning news this cronavirus business is really getting a hold now , two families I know have had holiday's cancelled to Spain, this is going to effect us all personally and business wise I am lucky enough to have a shower upgrade a weeks work for a retired couple who are happy to have me in their home , then a full gas central heating job in a empty property to do so won't effect my work situation for the next 3 weeks or so. I have a elderly mother with asthma who lives alone who I am obviously conserved about she lives a 2 hour drive away and getting her to stay in will drive her stir crazy I am seriously considering bring her to stay with us for a month or so, how are you all coping with the problem ? Supermarket shelves are being stripped of basic essentials and I can see this getting worse your opinions please gentlemen. Keep well regards kop
Sound like a nightmare mate ❤️ I think it's a form of dementia if I'm honest it's in her family my Nan suffered with it her brother and sister also, it's a long story but she's had it tough for along time and what with covid and lockdowns and constant media bombardment, loss of social interaction loneliness lead to her loosing her confidence and getting very forgetful she a old lady who needs some TLC right now, I just hope she can be helped to be able to be independent as long as possible she hates being a burden . Regards kop
If she's not already taking vitamin D3 supplements, give them a try. I'm very skeptical about 'dietary supplements' in general but this one is an exception. They're cheap, safe and the science backing them up is good. I started giving them to my father a few months ago and we saw a significant improvement within about a week.
Only read the first post by the way but we had to cancel a trip to DisneyLand Paris last April with a new date of August 2021. The missus was supposed to celebrate her birthday in NY [these last few days] but these trips obviously didn't happen. The missus actually spent a few months training to be an independant travel agent over the summer and is now fully approved with the likes of TUI etc and the relevant insurance bodies. Up side is we can now get holidays for next to nothing and make good commission (or 0% for friends) and she still has her regular job but the down side is... well, you know... COVI...
If she's not already taking vitamin D3 supplements, give them a try. I'm very skeptical about 'dietary supplements' in general but this one is an exception. They're cheap, safe and the science backing them up is good. I started giving them to my father a few months ago and we saw a significant improvement within about a week.
Improvement in what Chuck?

You should be able to get Adcal on prescription comes in dissolvable or chewable form although the later is quite a lot to swallow tbh.
Wifes mother is supposed to have dementia, shes 93. If the doctors are to be believed shes had it over 10 years, which would make her one of the longest surviving sufferers. She hasnt got dementia, shes just old. Had a spate of water infections over the years which sent her, well quite frankly doolally. I think doctors are a bit quick to use dementia as a diagnosis.
Hope you can find a way forward kop.
Improvement in what Chuck?

Over the past year or so he'd gradually become lethargic and withdrawn. After starting vitamin D3 he seemed to gain energy and strength and his level of alertness improved and seemed to start enjoying the company of others again.

I tried it because I remembered my grandfather, who was a geriatrician, talking to my mother in the 1970s and saying that almost all his patients seemed to benefit from extra vitamin D. My father has difficulty swallowing so I got a version for vegans that comes as a bottle of liquid with a dropper. I won't advertise the name here but it was recommended by my local pharmacy. PM me if you want to know the brand.
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Over the past year or so he'd gradually become lethargic and withdrawn. After starting vitamin D3 he seemed to gain energy and strength and his level of alertness improved and seemed to start enjoying the company of others again.

I tried it because I remembered my grandfather, who was a geriatrician, talking to my mother in the 1970s and saying that almost all his patients seemed to benefit from extra vitamin D. My father has difficulty swallowing so I got a version for young kids that comes as a bottle of liquid with a dropper. I won't advertise the name here but it was recommended by my local pharmacy. PM me if you want to know the brand.
I would be interested to know ?? I have a appointment for Mum tomorrow at the doctor's I will bring it up in conversation see if it's ok to try it on her ? . Cheers mate kop
Update chaps had a consultation with mums doctor today his view is mum has some form of memory loss but is also depressed and has anxiety leading to panic attacks and confusion, she's now on medication has had blood tests so time will tell It will take a couple of weeks to see if these tablets stabilise her . Regards kop
Update chaps had a consultation with mums doctor today his view is mum has some form of memory loss but is also depressed and has anxiety leading to panic attacks and confusion, she's now on medication has had blood tests so time will tell It will take a couple of weeks to see if these tablets stabilise her . Regards kop

Fingers crossed she improves. 🤞🤞
This is getting a bit of a struggle my brother has had to go back into hospital he's not making progress after testing positive for covid on the 6th of December this is the second time he's gone in I have spoken to him tonight and he's comfortable but they are worried he may have a blood clot? he's struggling to breath, my Mum's sister has tested positive for covid and she's had breast cancer treatment last year got it from her son on Christmas Day who's in her bubble and tested positive a day or so after she collapsed yesterday and had a night in hospital but is home now resting. Mums been a bit more relaxed today I left her all morning to sort herself out and did a few errands and then changed her thermostat in the hallway, a eye test booked for tomorrow and the dentist on Thursday but you have to push to get em. Regards kop
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That’s a lot of rotten luck , I feel for you. And as is often the way in families the burden of sorting stuff out falls mostly on one person- take care of yourself too or you’ll be no good to anyone! Hope there’s an improvement soon 🤞
That’s a lot of rotten luck , I feel for you. And as is often the way in families the burden of sorting stuff out falls mostly on one person- take care of yourself too or you’ll be no good to anyone! Hope there’s an improvement soon 🤞
Confirmed this morning he has blood clots in his lungs now treating him so 🙏 it all works out . Kop
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