
  1. D

    Toilet and Water Supply Pipe Sweating?

    Hi All, I have had this toilet for the past few years but noticing this year, that the water supply pipe is wet to touch and droplets are being formed. I initially suspected a leak however the whole base bottom of the cistern appears to be sweating which leads me to think it might be...
  2. T

    Sweating cold water pipes

    I have sweating cold water pipes, even though I have insulated them with foam it's still sweating. Any ideas what I can do next?
  3. J

    Sweating cold water pipe

    I'm having an issue where I am getting a buildup of condensation on the cold water pipe in my home that is located in my kitchen. I have insulated the pipe with plenty of foam but it's still doing it, It's then running down the pipe and down my stop tap and onto my wooden floor. The cold water...
  4. r1k1n

    Advice needed about cold water copper pipes sweating

    Hello there guys, We've recently discovered (after a drop of water hit my brother on the head!), that a cold water copper pipe is sweating. We thought it might be a leak but have only seen droplets of water on the pipework and after some research have deciphered that the pipe is sweating. The...
  5. P

    Main eco elite 24kw boiler case seems to be sweating

    hi i'm new here, i fitted the above boiler about three months ago at home, it's been fine so far but i noticed that water was dripping from the case, when i opened it up to have a look the top of the case seems to have condensation on it?? i originally thought the condensing pipe was blocked...
  6. M

    Sweating off elbow for plastic ?

    Can you heat a copper elbow to remove it ? I want to start from this point in plastic, but dont want to cut into what is left of the copper. So i wondered if i can heat the elbow and pull it off. Will the remaining solder be removed as well or will this be in the way of the new plastic elbow ?
  7. C

    Sweating a pipe

    Hi guys, whats the best way you find for making the hole bigger in lead pipe for sweating to copper? I got shown to use a stanley knife and a file but it took ages,do you know any quicker ways? Then its just a case of adding your flux and solder with lead in isnt it? Thanks for your replies.